Working from home during lockdown

Cherry Johnston
2 min readSep 6, 2021


I’m one of those happy introverts who finds lockdowns a bit like a holiday but with an added layer of anxiety.

I crave time alone and often find that by the end of a week, all I want to do is shut the world out for a whole day so that I can reset my equilibrium. That’s why lockdowns suit me.

I can work remotely, so when I designed my tiny house, a space for a home office was very high on my list. Although I’m currently based in the city, I intend to move out further one day and will most likely continue to work no matter where I end up. I have this stunning space in the second loft where I have this super cute little desk and, I sit on the platform to work. Very handy to lie back and do some stretches or take a break and enjoy the sun pouring through the window.

I love this space and often find myself coming here to read, do some restorative yoga or meditate. I have so many favourite spots in the tiny house, but this is definitely one of them.

One of the best things about this space happens when it rains. Because I am new to living on tank water, I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure being able to sit at my desk and watch out the window as the rainwater runs into the tank. It gives me a lovely sense of joy. When I first moved in, I even got up in the night and came and watched as the rain beat down on the roof. I don’t do that anymore!

However, as much as I like being holed up at home, I hope we beat this outbreak and life can return to our new normal for me and the rest of New Zealand!



Cherry Johnston

Travelling the journey of life and focussing on the joy.